Free Guide

The Entrepreneur’s Manifestation Blueprint

Steal My Unique 6 Essential Steps Proven to Help You Manifest the Business of Your Dreams With Ease.

Sandy is a master at helping you use what's going on in your inner world to shape your outer world! She's studied alongside some of the best mindset experts in the world to develop this framework... and can help the dream you have in your mind become your reality, even if you feel like you've tried everything with no results. Don't hesitate to jump in to this program. It will change your entire outlook on life and on what's possible for you!


In The Manifestation Blueprint, You'll Learn:

  • The 6 Essential Steps You Must Follow In Order to Manifest Anything You Want (And How to Navigate the Most Common Mistakes That Keep You Stuck)

  • 5 Empowering Affirmations to Help You Rewire Limiting Beliefs and Attract the Life & Business You Deserve

  • My 3-Step Secret Recipe for Releasing Fear, Doubt & Worry So You Can Attract Abundance With Confidence

What Other's Are Saying After Getting The Blueprint...

Sandy Sinden is a gifted world-class Conscious Coach. She has the wisdom, heart, and tools that are changing the world one person at a time. Her unique approach to transformation will help you go from frustrated and stuck to living your dream life!


Wow! I just had the gift of being able to experience “The Entrepreneur’s Manifestation Blueprint”. It was exactly what I needed to learn about in this moment of my personal and professional journey. This workbook gently guides you through 6 steps of personal exploration leaving you feeling empowered to make your dreams come true. I can’t recommend it enough!


Sandy is extremely good at detecting what's getting in the way of ones success. Her expertise and knowledge in reprogramming the subconscious makes her a valuable asset to anyone wanting to get out of their own way.

Jean Marie

Sandy has made me really focus on the power of your thinking and what you say out loud. You are what you say. The battles in my mind that I knew could be broken if I just learned how to do it. Thanks for understanding and caring.


Sandy changed my life in many ways. Her model of coaching is so helpful to overcoming roadblocks in your life. She asks all the right questions and really helped me heal my subconscious false beliefs. I have always told myself these stories about why I couldn’t do something or I can’t start this until I do this first but sandy really changed my thinking.


Sandy, thanks so much for this guide to manifestation. I love how you broke it down into 6 easy to follow steps that allowed me to take action quickly. This is exactly what I needed to start my manifestation journey! Thanks so much!


Hey! I'm Sandy Sinden.

I teach determined women a proven framework to build a business that provides financial security so that that they can live life their way.

In my business I found myself getting stuck and unable to move to the next level. I couldn’t figure out why so I decided to do things differently. Instead of looking for the next shiny object I begin to look inward.

It became very clear that my external reality was an exact reflection of my daily thoughts. You see whatever you are currently seeing in your reality, you attracted to yourself but focusing on it. What you focus on expands and creates your future.

In my guide, I will show you the secret to changing the internal to match what you want on the outside. We have to think differently to have differently.

20203 © Sandy Sinden. All Rights Reserved.